The Indian Artist: From Blank Canvas to Masterpiece

Good evening everybody! I hope that you are all doing well and had a good weekend! For this week’s post I will be sharing the process that I take when starting a new piece, specifically, an oil painting. I started a new painting that will be a part of a potential tryptic or collection.

  1. The first and most important part of starting any piece is coming up with an idea and either taking or finding non-copyright reference photos. I tend to use a mix of both. When I have an idea and do not have the means to find a model and take my own pictures, I resort to royalty free images that can be stitched together to figure out the perfect composition.
  2. Next, I sketch or map out the composition. I usually always do this using a pencil regardless of if it is on paper or canvas. I also always tint my canvas with a neutral brown such as burnt sienna if I am doing a painting. This helps create a non-white base on which I can accurately read the tone and hue of my paint.
  3. Start laying down the color! In the case of paint, I just dive in and start to establish my background. If it is a simple background, I try to knock this out first and foremost. This helps to cover empty space and makes the piece a lot less intimidating. I then move onto the main subject. I generally just start with the part of the piece that speaks to me the most to build up momentum.
  4. Work work work! There is nothing more to do once you have established a composition and your materials of choice than to actually put in the time. My favorite thing to do is light a candle, put on Schitt’s Creek, and get to work!
  5. Depending on the medium you are using, there are different options for finishers once a piece is complete. For oil paint, varnish your painting after ample drying. Air on the side of caution and wait at least 4-5 weeks. Graphite and colored pencils can be finalized with various different varnishes.
  6. Nothing left to do but enjoy your hard work and brilliant creativity!


I know this was a little bit different of a post but I hope that you all enjoyed! As always, if anything that I discussed in this post stands out, or if any questions arise please feel free to comment and share your thoughts!


Looking forward to next Monday!


~ Riya



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Riya A

My name is Riya and I am currently a Senior at U of M studying Molecular Biology with a double minor in Art & Design and Sociology on the pre-med track. Art has been a huge passion of mine from a very young age and in the final iteration of my column, I look forward to sharing my passions as they connect to my culture, medicine, and art.

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