Evolving Emotions: The Inventor’s Mind 

Majestic but plain

Concrete but finicky

Mysterious but disclosed


Triumphant yet bittersweet

Crazed yet sane


Wholesomeness twisted

Into a contortion of the purest will


What is it that you want from me?

A craving that torments your inner satisfaction


A sadistic masterpiece

Of enrapturing composition


Tweaked by the mind

Solidified in the soul

Written on the tongue

Etched in the heart


A chase amidst insanity

Within the mind

Barriers to the complete

The creation


Each intricately aligned

Precisely where intended

For the eye to digest

And for the mouth to gasp in disbelief


The beauty in perfect imperfection

Synonymous antonyms

Arranged for the insane guest

Amidst a chase towards insanity


Evolving Emotions: Resolve

A much-awaited blank slate

A fresh commencement

A new beginning


Millions flock

With hopeful hearts

And passionate gazes


Purchase a membership

Begin an instrument

Preserve the coin


Stop smoking

Quit biting your nails

End negative self-talk


Do better

Be better

Live better


Newfound confidence

In a person, just the same

In a year, just the same

As before


A new package

Wrapping glimmers beneath

An optimistic bow


Inside a gray waste

Previous aspirations

Tossed aside

A mangled mess of guilt awry


Pointlessness is relative

Some cling to goals

Triumph in the struggle

And come out champions of their mind


Most others agree

A new year

Is a number.






The moment motivation grips you

Run with it

Awaiting that square on your calendar

Is an absurd venture


Move your body

And achieve


One life to live

Why spend it waiting?


Why say, I’ll stop and smell the roses next year?

Evolving Emotions: Never Quite Right

A strange place

The table isn’t quite situated

On the once whole tiling

Proper is the word


The smell that once greeted me

Feels out of place

Inside my lungs, it is a stranger


What has become of

The inhabitants

Which I thought I knew?


Nothing could’ve prepared

My mind, my body

For this upheaval 






In the now fractured life

I stubbornly live

My arms crave a rope

My feet, solid ground 

Unsatisfied is the word


This bizarre, unsatisfying abode

Which I once called home

Is now alien

With a peculiar look

And paint laced with difference 


Will things return

To the gaps in my head?


Will I find peace

And solace in the disruption?


Nothing will take its original form

The form has shifted

The feeling has shifted 


My perception has crossed

Into a foreign land


Unbeknownst to me

This is only the beginning 


Evolving Emotions: Counterfeit Consciousness

Smiling faces inundate my view

Their cheer attempts to breach my brain

Hammering away at the worry

The fears

The anxiety

To no avail


Laughter fills the air

These lungs of mine force

The artificial happiness sweeps from my breath

Choking on insincerity


The sight of fresh and falling snow

Brings enthusiasm to the limbs

Mine mimic

In an awkward sort of way


Inside a bubble

Apart from others

Left with the thoughts

That consume me

Waking and sleeping

Smiling and laughing


I’m crying now





Yet the worries never cease

The jerking movements

The false air

The smeared smile


Faking in the pursuit

Of realness



The Poetry Snapshot: From the Rooftop, an Urban Symphony

Austin, Texas

For five minutes,
I close my eyes
and give into the prose of sound.

Motorcycles rev down 6th street
with a sense of synchronicity,
like a familial fleet.
A lasting roar of a herd on asphalt.
Tires on concrete reach a screeching halt-
a sound bite to a nearing stoplight
Racing each other yet sticking together.

A sudden splash of children in the pool
In a flash, a flicker of my eyelash,
droplets hit my skin rhythmically,
andante, andante
Its graze is cool, creating a haze so cruel.

I catch the gossip of women on a nearby balcony
A decrescendo of shared agony.
Their whispered words are rushed before thought
Hushed in fear of being listened to or caught.

A brief moment of piano
met with the forte of orchestral cheers
from Monday night football.
Empty pitchers slam the table as the crowd sprawls
Frustrated groans meet ecstatic high fives
As this game goes down in archives

Each melody is distinct,
Sharply detached, staccato notes
And creates a harmony so succinct
Before a tune is built the verse wilts;
my eyes open to the fading beats of an urban symphony.