Simon Fashion Sheet

I’ve decided that Simon might be the type to have no ‘main’ outfit, but rather a lot of different ones. I envisioned him as fashionable and a bit vain, so it fits him. Trying to find a main outfit for Simon was hard; I had so many concepts for him.

As you can see, his fashion sense is very 1970s – lots of high-waisted stuff. He also has lots of sportswear, crop tops, blue, and other cool tones. He also has a more elaborate side going on than what’s shown here. His shoes on the far right were supposed to have red heels to symbolize blood, but I changed them to copper for better color cohesion.


J. Shen or "Micey" is a Junior at Umich. She loves character design and telling stories and dabbles in making her own comics. Sketchbook Smashing is an attempt to chronicle her process in designing characters. From first concepts, hairstyle and outfit changes, or even complete shifts in design. She also hopes to map out how her own art style changes throughout the year. Her website is Her art Tumblr is

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