Yet Another Simon Redesign

I redesigned Simon (again)! He originally had this short-sleeved silk dress shirt, but I got tired of doing all the clothing folds and texturing. So hello blue rashguard! I’ll probably simplify the shirt even more, maybe mess with the colors, but I prefer the silhouette much more. Here are my concepts + some casual and Halloween outfits.

I also added some purple to his skin and face. The tips of his fingers have become purple as well, leading to a gradient to his skin tone. That is because I modified his backstory to include botched mithradism due to family issues. It illustrates his sometimes-toxic and self-destructive nature better. He has become more of a grotesque beauty.


J. Shen or "Micey" is a Junior at Umich. She loves character design and telling stories and dabbles in making her own comics. Sketchbook Smashing is an attempt to chronicle her process in designing characters. From first concepts, hairstyle and outfit changes, or even complete shifts in design. She also hopes to map out how her own art style changes throughout the year. Her website is Her art Tumblr is

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