Marge Makes Comics #5: “My Year of Rest and Relaxation”, The Perfect Book For Finals Season

Hey! It’s Marge again. I don’t mean to do book reccs just when school’s winding up and everybody’s studying and nobody has any time to read but…please read “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” I have a lot of feelings about it. (Also do y’all have any book reccs? Lemme know! I’ll read ’em when I get through the pile of comics growing in my room.)

Marge Makes Comics #4: Shameless Festifools Shilling Post

Hey y’all! Back at it again with all the posting and what not. Festifools is a super special and super cool event that I’ve been proud to be a part of for the last couple of years I’ve been at Michigan, and it’s all going down again THIS SUNDAY APRIL SEVENTH! If you have time and you wanna see a bunch of students sweat under massive, colorful, amazing puppets, saunter on down to downtown and be a part of this super cool festival!