Evolving Emotions: Sadness-Poetry

Eyes of Stained Glass


Baggy sweatpants cling to feeble legs

stale and stiff

needed to be washed days ago.


She didn’t wash them. Like her shoes,

her shoes that were stained,

ruined from a soiled world.


And her hair. Curled

but not elegantly. More like unkempt, uncared for,

a nest on her head. Displayed, but not proudly.


Cowering behind her mask,

her appearance in ruins,

but with no name attached.

A person in crisis, no doubt. But who is she?


Beneath coiled knots are worried eyes,

eyes scared to death over lies

told. Doing ‘fine’ but less alive

the more she lingers.


A mass throbbing in her head,

welling in eyes of stained glass


A sickening black

exhalations into evening air,

with a feeling of lack

and indifference.


A dull exterior,

squirming insides inferior

She was something

made into nothing.

Painting myself in you

Is naming me small diminishing my power 

Am I wrong to be flattered 

You’ve done nothing 

I don’t think 

You don’t deserve scrutiny or skepticism but 

I’m searching for someone in me to tell me if myself is with you 

If when we speak we are on the same page 

If the lines of possibilities that scroll through my head 

Match anything that lies in yours 

Evolving Emotions: Surprise- Poetry

A Wonderous Day


Sun’s rays force squinting eyes

Grass curls between tiny toes

Laughter swirling in air swept

by each cool breeze

Bubbling waters in the pond

dug by able hands

for fish and shelled creatures

to lay and unwind


Tingling hands

A shift in the air

Heads turning in unison

to the house just across the yard


Rushing past familiar beauty

towards an enthralling mystery

behind four walls


Once inside

figures crowded round

blocking view


Some gasp or shriek of glee

at a sight to behold


In the center of the circle

comes barking

Pushing past

there it is

the dog you will know

for years to come


It will touch your life

in a way only it could

But for now,

you gaze in its eyes

and marvel over this wonderous surprise

Evolving Emotions: Fear-Poetry

Empty Coat Pockets


An old grandfather clock

The pendulum sways

The hands tick and click

Stealing the days away


Too few minutes

In a day


Too few days

In a week


Too few weeks

In a month


Too few months

In a year


Too few years

In a decade


Too few decades

In a century


So little time

To do all and everything

Staring at the clock

But you can’t capture the hands

In that coat pocket


Too long

Too short

Too fast

Too slow


How long has it been?

Where did the times go?

Has it really been that long?

I remember it like it was yesterday.

The timing feels so wrong.


Graying and sagging by the second

Death’s deadline closes in



At your bedside

Realizing the minutes and days

Have slipped away


All the memories you never made

All of the times you didn’t stay

All of the words you never prayed


And you couldn’t take the clock’s hands

In your coat pockets

Hold them close and dear


So instead

In your bed

You lay in fear

As the grandfather clock’s chime

Rings near

To claim your final breath.


Evolving Emotions: Joy-Poetry

Joy is a summer night.

Mosquitoes buzzing in the air and

The laughter of long-time friends

After your marshmallow erupts ablaze from

A fire that conveys ash, decorating the air like confetti


Joy is a sunrise.

In your grandmother’s home

Sitting on the hardwood

As a cat lay on the windowsill

Watching the colors blend in a symphony


Joy is a first love.

Butterflies swish inside

At the sight of that face

That makes your knees buckle

And a smile sparking fireworks to nip at your fingertips


Joy is in everything

If one squints hard enough

At dusty photographs

At events unfolding with torn edges

And at hands to hold, things to see, and moments yet to be

Evolving Emotions: Joy-Poetry

Six Twenty-Five


Hospital chatter comprised of hushed whispers

A cacophony of voices

And low sighs


Six twenty-two


A cart’s wheels squeaking through the halls

Maddening in its movement

Never ceasing


Six twenty-three


Machines whirring on the hour

The PA system’s jargon tumbles into the void

The clock ticks methodically


Six twenty-four


A girl watches

She smiles where shy lay

Extended by

Wires and cords

An IV drains her


But the creases beneath her eyes

The folded lines circling her mouth

Refuse to quit

She smiles triumphantly

Whether it is old wisdom written in her genes

Or young innocence that drives her face


Is unimportant

She smiles despite it all


Her body decays

With fatigue that makes the bones melt

Pain that drives pleading

She smiles


It’s unnatural

And odd

A peculiar display

In such a place

The human will

Falls apart

And yet finds contentment


Her pale eyes gaze at blank white walls

Her ears absorb the speech in the halls


She looks inward

To starry sky camping trips

And family movie nights

To swimming pool laps with rounds of Marco Pollo

The times when things were beautiful


Her parents will be here soon

Her brother and sister too


She smiles at the thought of six twenty-five

Almost to the parking lot

And through the revolving doors


They will be here

Beside her

To reminisce and laugh

About what once was

And could still be


Despite it all,

She smiles

Bright and bold

Because things have been beautiful

And will again

At six twenty-five