Nagosta Outfit Stuff

This is Nagosta Vo. They are an employee at this weird house covered in art. You can often find them playing video games in the vents and being a general menace to the rest of the employees.

I put their hair up, tucked their sweater in, and gave them knee pads for better mobility and vent-crawling.They have albinism and dye their hair, and I like my decision to show their roots. I used bright green as an accent color to signal their loud personality and love for video games.

The bottom picture was completed first. As you can see from the first image, I changed their eye shape and hairstyle when coming up with the outfit. It’s easier to draw expressions that way.


J. Shen or "Micey" is a Junior at Umich. She loves character design and telling stories and dabbles in making her own comics. Sketchbook Smashing is an attempt to chronicle her process in designing characters. From first concepts, hairstyle and outfit changes, or even complete shifts in design. She also hopes to map out how her own art style changes throughout the year. Her website is Her art Tumblr is

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