Deranged Auntie [INSERT NAME HERE]

This is a villain in my story, she’s basically like a walking nuclear reactor. She is one of my main character’s aunts. I’m still working on her name. I want it to have some medical basis.

Please assume that unless highlighted green, her clothes are black. I want her to look like a walking hazard/nuclear waste sign. I also wanted her to look classy, like she could be perched daintily on a mountain of her enemies’ skulls.

I experimented with her having spikes on her outfit. I wanted every bit of her to give off the message that she is dangerous, don’t get close to her. I think I won’t be including the spikes. I want her to look sleek.

Her outfit’s still a work in progress. Additionally, I’m busy trying to think up a symbol for her. Time to look at radioactivity symbols again!


J. Shen or "Micey" is a Junior at Umich. She loves character design and telling stories and dabbles in making her own comics. Sketchbook Smashing is an attempt to chronicle her process in designing characters. From first concepts, hairstyle and outfit changes, or even complete shifts in design. She also hopes to map out how her own art style changes throughout the year. Her website is Her art Tumblr is

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